Our $500,000 Fundraising Goal

In 2017 and 2018, Camp Whitman staff, committee members, community members and members of the Presbytery of Geneva and the Presbytery of Genesee Valley participated in an 18-month long strategic planning process with Run River Enterprises, a team of specialists serving faith-based Camp, Retreat & Conference Centers.

This discernment process provided an opportunity to hear God’s call to us for both the near and long-term future. As part of this process it became evident that in order for Camp Whitman to continue its important ministry into the future, there would need to be critical improvements made to the property and facilities.

A capital improvement project scope was identified with a few primary goals:

  1. To improve the hospitality and accessibility that we offer our guests with varying abilities.

  2. To increase our capacity to serve adult and family groups in comfortable accommodations.

  3. To provide enhanced program and lodging experiences for our summer campers - with a focus on adding more nature and earth care programs, improving our beautiful waterfront, and adding depth to our faith development programs.

To achieve these goals we have set an ambitious fundraising goal of $500,000.

Read more about the scope of projects in our campaign brochure and our campaign letter.

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Our $250,000 Matching Gift

In late 2018 we received the amazing news that an anonymous friend to Camp Whitman had pledged $250,000 matching gift towards our capital improvements.

This is a tremendous gift to Camp Whitman, but we need to raise the full $250,000 match in order to receive their gift. Can you help us fulfill this goal?


Call Lea Kone, Camp Director at (315) 536-7753, ext 4 or email her at