summer Camp 2024

Scroll down for more information on sessions and dates!

  • Our “Trailblazers” are our school-aged campers and each age group is represented by a different unit:.

    TB - Pioneers (ages 6-8 or grades 1-3)

    TB - Adventurers (ages 8-10 or grades 3-5)

    TB - Explorers (ages 11-13 or grades 6-8)

    TB - Voyagers (ages 14-17 or grades 9-11)

  • For more than 40 years Camp Whitman has been providing overnight camp or “vacation” weeks for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

    1 Week overnight camp sessions for youth and adults 18 to 55 years old, with a 3:1 (camper to counselor) supervision ratio.

  • The CIT program is a two-week training to prepare our next generation of camp leaders. Accepted participants will learn and practice the skills needed to work at camp with both our traditional school aged campers and our adult campers with developmental disabilities.

Trailblazers Mini-Camp (July 3-5)

Pioneers: Ages 6-8 ($300)

Adventurers: Ages 8-10 ($300)

All of the fun of one-week of camp packed into two-days. Our mini-camp is the perfect way to ease into sleep-away camp for first time campers. This program features a extra supervision and support for our first time campers with one counselor working with just three campers.

Campers can expect to try out many of the classic camp activities like swimming, canoeing, arts & crafts, Gaga ball and making s’mores around the campfire.

Trailblazers Olympics Camp (July 7-12)

Adventurers: Ages 8-10 ($675)

Explorers: Ages 11-13 ($675)

Voyagers: Ages 14-17 ($675)

Join us for a week of games, wacky relays, canoe and kayak races and more. Each day or evening we will engage in camp-wide activities centered around friendly competition - Camp Whitman style.

Campers will also have time to experience all of the standard camp activities like swimming, boating, archery and arts & crafts this week as well.

This is a more physically active week.

Trailblazers Treasure hunt Camp (July 14-19)

Adventurers: Ages 8-10 ($675)

Explorers: Ages 11-13 ($675)

Voyagers: Ages 14-17 ($675)

This week is all about finding the hidden clues, secret maps, and the breadcrumbs along the trail. Each day or evening we will engage in camp-wide activities looking for clues, solving puzzles and riddles that will lead us to the buried treasure.

Campers will also have time to experience all of the standard camp activities like swimming, boating, archery and arts & crafts this week as well.

This is a less physically active week.

Trailblazers adventure trip (august 4-9)

Voyagers: Ages 14-17 ($875)

We are going back to our roots - after many years, we are re-launching our trip camps program, starting with a multi-adventure program. Teens, join us for a week sampling a variety of different adventure activities. Expected activities include hiking, kayaking, biking, a high ropes adventure course and possibly white-water rafting.

This is an out of camp trip. Campers will be sleeping in tents or hosted by churches along the route and helping to prepare their own meals.

This is a very physically active program, and campers should be prepared to be active for 6 - 8 hours per day.

counselor in training (CIT) program (july 21-august 2)

Voyagers: Ages 16-17 ($950)

The Counselor-In-Training program is a two-week leadership program for campers entering their Junior or Senior year of high school. The first week of the program is focused on leadership development, learning to serve and making the transition from camper to leader. The second week of the program, CIT’s will be working directly with our Pathfinder campers, assisting the camp counselors.

Water fun (July 21-26)

Pathfinders: Ages 18-29 & Ages 30-55 ($800)

This week we will be spending extra time experiencing each of camp’s amazing water features: the lake, the pool, the pond and the slip and slide! Classic camp activity options also include arts & crafts, games, archery, nature activities, evening programs and worship. Enjoy all of the best that Camp Whitman has to offer during our “vacation” weeks for campers with developmental disabilities. Each day will offer opportunities for our campers to do as much (or as little) as they would like at their own pace.

*This week is ideal for campers who prefer a more active pace and physical activities.

fun with food (July 28-August 2)

Pathfinders: Ages 30-55 ($800)

Have you ever been told - “don’t play with your food!” Not this week! This is a week centered around all things food, baking, tasting, eating and even PLAYING with your food. Classic camp activity options also include arts & crafts, swimming, games, archery, nature activities, pontoon boat rides, evening programs and worship. Enjoy all of the best that Camp Whitman has to offer during our “vacation” weeks for campers with developmental disabilities. Each day will offer opportunities for our campers to do as much (or as little) as they would like at their own pace.

*This week is ideal for campers who prefer a more relaxed pace and less physical activities.