Youth Retreat: Exploring Creativity and Hands-on Living!
Youth in Grades 8-12
Fee includes all lodging, food, instruction and programs.
What does it mean to work with your hands? Jesus was a carpenter. Spend a weekend creating with your hands, pondering together how we are each created in love by a loving Creator, and how God calls us to create according to how we were made in God’s image.
We will play games, hike, cook, spend lots of time around the campfire, walk the labyrinth and the shore of Seneca Lake, and by the end of the weekend, build something concrete that we can always look at and say, “wow—I built that!”.
Lagom Landing and Camp Whitman are partnering to create this Youth Retreat geared toward 8th - 12th graders. This retreat may be used as a time of discernment for young people who:
might be questioning the idea of going straight to college,
are considering a gap year,
exploring the skilled trades as a possible vocation,
looking for the skills to serve the community through mission work.
Lagom Landing is a Gap Year program for 18-23 year olds located near Dansville, NY, offering an alternative to going straight to college. Camp Whitman is a Christian overnight summer camp, located on Seneca Lake, serving both typically-abled youth ages 6-16, as well as youth and adults with developmental disabilities.
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